
Assessing children’s potential exposures to harmful metals in tire crumb rubber by accelerated photodegradation weathering


Assessment of bulk metal contents

Six samples (S1–S6) were investigated, and they are commercially available tire crumb rubber (TCR) playground tiles (see the Table in “Methods and Materials”) obtained from two different U.S manufacturers that are suppliers to two major hardware stores. To select representative TCR playground tiles for metal surface release (MSR) study, a survey measurement of all six TCR samples by the ICP-MS in SemiQuant mode was firstly carried out to assess the elemental content in the samples. Figures S1–S6 show the mass fraction of elements found in the tile samples. Many metal and non-metal elements were detected from 1 ng/g to 30 mg/g in these samples. Because of the expected intrinsic inhomogeneity of rubber samples, the medians were better representative values of the general metal contents in the six TCR samples studied, as shown in Figures S1-S6. The measured metal contents were the highest for Zn (19 mg/g) and Fe (1.3 mg/g), and fell in the following ranges for other metals: 100 μg/g to 1000 μg/g for Na, Mg, Al, K, Co; 10 μg/g to 100 μg/g for Cu, Ti and Pb; 1 μg/g to 10 μg/g for Cr, Mn, Ni, As, Sn, and Ba; 0.1 μg/g to 1 μg/g for Se, Mo, Cd, In, Sb and Tl; and < 0.1 μg/g for Be and rare earth elements. No Ru, Te, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, or Au was detected. Notably, these measured values agree with those reported in the literature1,28.

Among the six studied samples, S4 (represented by the dark green solid circles in the figures) appears to come from a very different used-tire source because the metal contents therein were either the highest or lowest of all tile samples. The minimum amounts of sulfur (S) and zinc (Zn) measured in this sample (Figures S1 and S2) may indicate a lack of sulfur vulcanization process because ZnO is widely used as the catalysis of sulfur vulcanization in rubber manufacturing. The metal contents measured in the remaining samples showed good agreement as the differences among them were within 1 order of magnitude.

The FullQuant measurements of 10 selected elements was then carried out30. These elements are the most concerning for potentially causing harm to children’s health if released from the TCR tiles’ surface when children play on the playgrounds. Excepting Se, which was below the 1.8 μg/g detection limit, the ranges of measured metal contents were within 10–100 μg/g for Cu and Pb; 1–10 μg/g for Ba and Cr; 0.1–1 μg/g for Sb, Cd, As, and Tl; and 0.01–0.1 μg/g for Be as shown in Fig. 1. As revealed in Figure S7, the slope and intercept of the linear correlation (R2 = 0.985) between SemiQuant and FullQuant for the metal contents among all the samples (S1 to S6) were close to 1 (0.976) and 0 (− 0.0423), respectively42, which implies that SemiQuant and FullQuant well agree with each other.

Figure 1
figure 1

FullQuant values of metals (Be, Tl, As, Cd, Sb, Cr, Ba, Pb, Cu) in the six samples of TCR playground tiles (color-coded) with three replicates (represented by the solid circles of the same color). The bars show 25% to 75% percentile range, vertical lines indicate the median, and open squares represent the mean value for their respective metal contents. Se was below the 1.8 μg/g detection limit.

Assessment of the surface release of 10 selected metals

Samples S2 and S6 were chosen for the accelerated weathering study for their relatively higher overall contents of the 10 selected metals. To estimate the amount of harmful metals available for pickup through contact on a playground floored with tire crumb rubber (TCR) tiles, a method of composite surface wiping that simulated children’s physical contact with the floor was adopted from the EPA method used in evaluating lead (Pb) content on floors, painted walls, window sills, or other common household items31 (see Methods). The initial surface releases (ISR) of the 10 selected metals are plotted in Fig. 2. Except for Pb, the measured ISRs correlated positively with the corresponding bulk contents, i.e., the higher the bulk content was, the higher the surface release (Fig. 1). Ranges of ISRs were: 10–100 μg/ft2 for Cu, 1–10 μg/ft2 for Ba and Cr, 0.5–1 μg/ft2 for Pb, 0.01–0.5 μg/ft2 for As, Cd, and Sb, and below the detection limit for Be, Se, and Tl (i.e., less than the values obtained from the procedural blanks).

Figure 2
figure 2

The initial surface releases (ISR) of the 10 metals on Samples S2 (green bar) and S6 (gray bar). Three replicates were performed for each and standard deviations are shown as vertical lines on the bars. Be, Se, and Tl were undetectable (UD). The unit for ISR, μg/ft2 is used because it is used in the regulatory standard. Use the relation of 1 μg/ft2 = 11 μg/m2 to convert to SI unit.

The μg/ft2 unit (1 μg/ft2 = 11 μg/m2) is used here to facilitate the comparison with values in the literature because the regulatory standard for the surface content metal is issued in this unit to be discussed below. Pb had a bulk content approximately 3 times higher, but a surface release approximately 4 times lower than Ba and Cr. Color additives of the tiles do not appear to be a determining factor for the ISRs since the green tiles showed a similar trend as the black ones.

Cumulative release of 10 metals on TCR surface under weathering with heavy UV radiation

The results of the cumulative metal surface releases, calculated by adding all previously measured metal surface release (MSR) values up to the point of interest, were plotted versus the simulated weathering time up to more than 2 years in Fig. 3 for Pb (a), As (b), Cu (c), Tl (d), Cr (e), Ba (f), Cd (g) and Sb (h). Be and Se were not shown because all values for the two elements were below the values of the procedural blanks obtained from the compositing wipings of the Teflon tiles placed alongside the samples in the SPHERE.

Figure 3
figure 3

Cumulative metal surface release (MSR) of Pb (a), As (b), Cu (c), Tl (d), Cr (e), Ba (f), Cd (g) and Sb (h) as a function of accelerated weathering time achieved by NIST SPHERE on the green (Sample S2, green squares and diamonds) and black (Sample S6, black circles and triangles) TCR playground tiles. Duplicate samples were weathered at 75% relative humidity (RH, wet conditions) and one at 0% RH (dry conditions). The uncertainty was stated by one standard deviation of replicates.

As displayed in Fig. 3, the release of bulk metals to the surface during weathering could be continuous as for Pb, As, Cu, and Tl, or stepwise as in the case of Cr, Ba, and Sb, or no release as the case for Cd. Six different MSR patterns can be identified in general, which shows the complexity of the processes that make estimating weathering-dependent surface release of metals a challenging task in general. The first is the continuous release (CR) pattern in which metal is released at a constant rate as the weathering continues. Pb (a), As (b), and Cu (c) followed this pattern under the 0% RH condition, except for Pb in Sample S2 (green tile), which followed the second growth-and-level-off release (GLR) pattern. Under the wet, i.e., 75% RH, condition, the releases of As and Cu in Sample S2 (green tile) remained in the CR pattern while Pb was released in a different GLR pattern. In contrast, the release patterns of the three metals in Sample S6 (black tile) changed from the CR under the 0% RH to the GLR under the 75% RH condition, which demonstrates the marked effect of humidity on the black tiles and suggests that the wet condition could suppress the release of these three metals in Sample S6. The markedly different effect of humidity on the green vs. black TCR tiles during weathering might have resulted from the different material properties caused by the coloring process for manufacturing the TCR tiles.

Similar CR patterns were observed for As and Cu (Fig. 3b,c, RH = 0%) though the rate of release differed for green and black tiles, which were at (0.43 ± 0.02) μg/ft2/y (p < 0.001) and (0.25 ± 0.01) μg/ft2/y (p < 0.001) for As, and (96 ± 6) μg/ft2/y (p < 0.001) and (74 ± 3) μg/ft2/y (p < 0.001) for Cu, respectively. The results of As and Cu showed that after a year of weathering, the amount of MSR is greater albeit on the same order as ISR (Fig. 2 and Table S1), indicating the significance of weathering on the release of the two elements.

The third is the inductive CR (ICR) pattern whereby CR starts after an initial induction period with no surface release. The release of Tl adhered to this pattern under the 0% RH condition (Fig. 3d) with a half-year induction period followed by CRs at approximately the same rate of ≈ (0.10 ± 0.01) μg/ft2/y (p = 0.0014) for both Sample S2 and Sample S6, which is consistent with that both samples had the same bulk Tl contents at (0.22 ± 0.01) μg/g as measured by the SemiQuant method (Table S1). A similar ICR pattern was also observed for Tl under the 75% RH condition with the release rate at ≈(0.10 ± 0.03) μg/ft2/y (p = 0.005 to 0.006) after the half-year point.

The fourth is the step release (SR) pattern that was followed by Cr (Fig. 3e) and Ba (Fig. 3f) in which only one small step increase beyond the ISR was observed after a half-year weathering. The amounts of increase were about 30–80% of their ISR values and no marked humility effect was observed.

The fifth is the no-weathering-release (NR) pattern that was represented by Cd (Fig. 3g) in which weathering did not cause any further metal release beyond the ISR. Considering the measurement uncertainties (vertical lines), no obvious humidity effect was observed. In this case, the ISR would be the value for assessing the exposures.

The sixth and last MSR pattern is the singular release (SiR) pattern as followed by Sb (Fig. 3h). The ISRs of Sb in Sample S2 and Sample S6, (0.09 ± 0.08) μg/ft2 and (0.03 ± 0.02) μg/ft2 respectively, were relatively small. However, the singular large releases at 17 μg/ft2 and 0.84 μg/ft2 from Sample S2 and Sample S6 respectively, were observed at the 1.57-year of weathering mark under the 0% RH condition. No significant cumulative releases were observed thereafter. The reason could be that such SiR could be a random surface release of aggregated metal particles caught by the wipings, which could happen at any time due to its random nature as the TCR aged under the weathering condition.

Although it would be difficult to study the SiR systematically, the relative standard deviation (RSD) of measuring the bulk metal content could be an informative parameter that would help predict the eventual occurrence of SiR. For instance, in the case of Sb here, the three replicates of the SemiQuant/FullQuant measurements of Sample S2 with a sample size of 0.25 g gave the bulk metal contents of (0.74, 1.07, 1.11) μg/g and (0.72, 1.14, 1.13) μg/g, respectively. These measured replications show a relatively larger RSD of > 20%, compared to Pb (≈5%), As (≈9%), Cu (≈12%), Tl (≈6%), Cr (≈10%), Ba (≈10%), indicating a highly inhomogeneous distribution of Sb in Sample S2 that could be caused by the existence of aggregated particles of high metal content. Applying the same reasoning to Cd, which also has a similarly large RSD of 24%, one would expect that the SiR could take place given sufficient time even though it was not detected in the period shown in Fig. 3g.

Discussion on the potential exposure, mitigation, and policy implications

To the best of our knowledge, Pb is the only element to have environmental safety regulatory standards for bulk and surface contents. Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA, US EPA), a limit of 400 μg/g in bare soil is the safety standard for Pb bulk content for children’s play areas, and 10 μg/ft2 (40 μg/ft2 before 2020) is the safety standard for Pb surface content in residential areas. Since Pb is the only element that has a regulatory limit for its surface contents, the potentially harmful surface content levels for other elements, as the inferred limits, were estimated from the limits for their bulk content using a surface-to-bulk content ratio (StB, vide infra) of 0.025 derived from EPA regulations for Pb on the surface and in the bulk.

Collected in Table 1 are the regulatory or advisory limits for the bulk contents of the 10 selected metals from diverse authoritative sources. The bulk content standards for Sb, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, and Se are from the maximum allowable soluble concentrations listed in ASTM F3012-14 for loose-fill rubber used for playgrounds43. Those for Be and Tl are from the maximum permissible concentrations of metals in soil published by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM 601,501,001)44. The Cu standard is adopted from the US EPA biosolid standard (40 CFR Part 503)45. Using the StB ratio of 0.025 for Pb based on current EPA rules, the bulk content standards for other toxic elements were converted to surface content equivalent as listed in Table 1. Employing the MSR data shown in Fig. 3, the potential release of toxic metals within 3 years of weathering was compared to the aforementioned limits for removable surface contents. Cr was the only element with its mean ISR at (3.62 ± 2.73) μg/ft2 (Sample S2) and (3.87 ± 0.61) μg/ft2 (Sample S6) exceeding the inferred safety limit of 1.55 μg/ft2. The MSRs of Be, Se, Cd, Pb, and Ba would not exceed their inferred limits within 3 years. However, the MSR of Cu would reach its inferred limit at ca. 0.7 y for S2 and ca. 1 y for S6. It would take between 1.5 y and 2.5 y for the MSR of As in Sample S2 to reach the inferred limit under either the dry or wet condition and in Sample S6 under the dry condition. For Tl, the safety limit could be reached at about 1 y in both Sample S2 and Sample S6 under either dry or wet conditions. Finally, the MSR of Sb could be far larger than the inferred safety limit if the SiR takes place.

Table 1 The release models of 10 selected metals and the potential exposure to children.

The weathering conditions in the SPHERE did not consider the cleansing effect of precipitation, such as rain. Assuming that the cleansing effect of precipitation is equivalent to wipings in the experiment, the amount of metal available for human exposure is determined by the rate of the metal’s release on the TCR tile surface and the frequency of rainfalls. Assuming a constant rate of release between the neighboring two points in each plot shown in Fig. 3, the rate of release is calculated as the slope defined by the neighboring two points. Table 2 lists the maximum rate of release for the ten selected metals from the green (Sample S2) and black (Sample S6) TCR tiles. Regarding the frequency of rainfalls, Tucson, Arizona is one of the driest cities in the United States, which has at least one rainy day per month46. Assuming a precipitation frequency of at least once a month for an average city in the US, the maximum amount of accumulated metal accessible through casual contact is calculated to be the maximum rate of release of the metal multiplied by one month. Numerically, the maximum accumulation values equal those listed in Table 2. A comparison of the maximum accumulation in Table 2 to the inferred exposure limits in Table 1 shows that all metals on the TCR tiles are at or below the inferred exposure limit except for Sb on Sample S2 (Green tile) at 0% humidity, which exceeded the inferred limit of 1.6 µg/ft2.

Table 2 Maximum rate of release of metals from TCR surface in µg/ft2/month*.

In summary, TCR tiles have seen wide use in children’s playgrounds; yet the safety of the material is not fully assessed due to a lack of information on how much toxic metals were released from the surface of TCR tiles and a lack of regulatory standards for the maximum allowable level of toxic metals on the surface. the MSR from TCR tiles was measured and compared the results to ad hoc inferred safety limits derived from the regulatory standards for bulk and surface metal contents. Of the ten selected toxic metals of this study (Be, Cr, Cu, As, Se, Cd, Sb, Ba, Tl, Pb), Cr was the only element whose initial contents on the surface of some TCR test sample tiles exceeded the inferred limit, suggesting a rinse of the playground with water after the installation is advisable. Taking into account the cleansing effect of precipitation, only Sb of the ten select toxic elements may exceed the inferred safety limit within the first 3 years of service. It is important to point out that Pb is the only toxic metal that has an established regulatory limit for its content on the surface and the Pb found on the TCR tiles of this work is below the limit; therefore, there is no regulatory ground to consider the TCR tiles as unsafe. Consequently, the work revealed an urgent need for regulatory guidance for the surface contents of other toxic metals to further the safety study of TCR tiles, and the methodology developed herein could stimulate the endeavor.


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