
Institute for Women’s Leadership releases results of survey focused on Milwaukee women


Nearly half of women included in a recent survey of Milwaukee workers are seeking jobs with a different organization, compared to about a third of surveyed men. 

Marquette University’s Institute for Women’s Leadership yesterday released results of the online survey as part of its report, “Milwaukee Women in the Workplace.” It was distributed in March through local professional organizations and tapped 1,590 people who work in the Milwaukee area, of which 66% identified themselves as women. 

It asked respondents if they were looking for a job with a different employer, and 48% of women said they were, versus 35% for men. Asian women were more likely to be seeking employment elsewhere, with 55%, compared to 49% for Latina women and 46% for Black women. 

Women were most likely to say a lack of opportunities for advancement was the main driver for looking for jobs elsewhere, with 21% of respondents. That was followed by pay, 18%, and lack of work/life balance, 16%. 

Meanwhile, men were most likely to select work/life balance, with 21%, followed by pay at 19% and lack of opportunities for advancement at 16%. 

Women were also more likely to say they experienced burnout, mental health challenges and difficulty achieving a work/life balance, at 49% versus 40% for men. Black women and Latinas were even more likely to answer in the affirmative, with 55% and 54%, respectively. 

IWL Director and study author Jennica Webster said the study’s findings were concerning, but while the challenges it highlights are widespread, they’re not insurmountable. 

“Business organizations, women’s professional groups, and community leaders all play a role in improving the lives of women in ways that drive the region forward,” she said in a statement. 

The report also includes a number of recommendations for improving workplace satisfaction among women, including prioritizing health and well-being, supporting work/life balance, being “relentless” in providing equal pay for the same work and being transparent about it, and more. 

See the full report: https://www.marquette.edu/womens-leadership/documents/iwl_mke-women-in-the-workplace-2023_final.pdf 

See the release: https://www.marquette.edu/news-center/2023/nearly-half-women-surveyed-by-iwl-are-looking-for-new-jobs-amid-concerning-workplace-trends.php 

–By Alex Moe


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