Health Care
Adoptees criticize Supreme Court draft
- A growing chorus of people who were adopted are speaking out, saying adoption is not a replacement for abortion rights – or a solution to infertility or family planning issues.
- Adoption can be a traumatic experience, particularly for children adopted by parents of a different race or ethnicity, many adoptees told USA TODAY.
- This issue has come to the forefront after a Supreme Court draft opinion nodded to the idea that demand for adoption makes abortion less necessary.
Kirsta Bowman was adopted in New Orleans as a newborn, by parents who advertised in the newspaper they were looking for a child. Now 31, Bowman says she’s frustrated that adoption is being used to bolster the Supreme Court’s potential decision to overturn Roe. v. Wade.
“I have struggled with my mental health every single day of my childhood, my adolescence and my adult life, and that stems from being adopted and taken at birth,” she said.
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