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Brooks and Capehart on the Buffalo mass shooting, primary results, public opinion on Roe


Jonathan Capehart:


I appreciate David’s — David’s words at the outset of his answer.

Look, I remember the first time I got an e-mail from someone who had read something I’d written in The Washington Post years ago, who was complaining to me about white genocide. That’s the term — that was a term of art then, white genocide. Whites were being killed off and replaced.

Now the Great Replacement Theory is the happy, smiley face of the white genocide thinking out there. Back then, it was the fringe. Back then, this was a person out there in the far right swamps.

But then President Trump comes in and takes the lid off of our national demons. And now what we have are sitting members of Congress, people in the leadership of the Republican Party in the House, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, who are trading in this language.

They might not use the exact words Great Replacement Theory, but everything else that they talk about is parroting those talking points. When the Great Replacement Theory is given a home and aid and comfort by leaders in this country, what are — what else are we to expect?

And that is the — that is the danger that we’re in right now. We have seen far too many communities of Americans being targeted by people who adhere to this Great Replacement Theory. We have now — we have seen Blacks targeted, Jews targeted, Muslims targeted.

At some point, this nation as a whole will have to start taking this seriously. And leaders, Republican leaders, need to speak up if the Great Replacement Theory does not speak for them.


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