
Chef Lovely Is Keeping Us Summertime Fine With Hot Girl Summer Wellness Shot


Summer is officially ten days away, and we want to feel our best regardless of what body summer is getting! Chef Lovely is keeping us “summertime fine” with her Hot Girl Summer Wellness Shot. Her wellness shot has grapefruit, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables that give our bodies the boost we need. And to make it feel like a real “shot,” she serves her drink with a wedge of orange.

Check Out Chef Lovely’s Hot Girl Summer Wellness Shot Recipe Below:


Summertime Fine 😉 #health #wellness #HotGirlSummer #LoveYouLetsEat

♬ Move Your Body (Future House) – Tchami & Marshall Jefferson

Super simple, right? And if you don’t have a juicer, then a powerful blender with a touch of water works just fine. Once blended, you’ll need a strainer or cheesecloth to strain the liquid.

Why Wellness Shots Are Good For Us

Wellness shots are the perfect way to start your mornings for our immunity. They are a quick and easy way to deliver antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. For instance, there are so many benefits for one of the ingredients – ruby red grapefruit. Grapefruits reduce lipid levels, reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and are low in calories. Another powerful ingredient Chef Lovely uses are ginger. Ginger keeps your mouth healthy, calms nausea, eases arthritis pain, and so much more.

You can prepare your wellness shots in a large batch the night before or days in advance. They can last in your refrigerator for up to a week, or you can freeze them. In addition, most wellness shots can be consumed daily and sometimes multiple times a day. However, the recommendation is to take it once daily and monitor how you feel after adding them to your diet.

What is your favorite wellness shot recipe? Comment below!


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