
All The News That’s Fit: Babies’ bones, diversity in medicine and a Spam record


The young adult female medical student asks the mid adult female teacher a question about the human spine.

Clinical faculties and academic leadership at American medical schools are not keeping up with the growing diversity of the U.S. population, according to a new analysis of 42 years of data and reported in STAT.

While women have achieved marked progress, improvement has stagnated or worsened for groups underrepresented in medicine. Female clinical faculty levels rose from 15 percent in 1977 to 43 percent in 2019, and female deans from zero to 18 percent.

But Black and Hispanic doctors still represent a small part of total clinical faculty and growth and representation of Black men in academic medicine has remained flat or decreased.

At all faculty levels, non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander and non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native accounted for less than 1 percent.


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