
Documentary Aims to Spread Awareness of Prostate Cancer to Black Men


The number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer continues to increase at an alarming rate. It is the third most common cause of death from cancer in men over the age of 75. African American men are the most at risk to develop prostate cancer—at any age—and die from the disease.

The Silent Killer: Prostate Cancer in the African American Community explores the myths, fears, and concerns about the disease. It follows several men who are all battling prostate cancer, focusing on how they’re dealing with their diagnoses, what treatment they decided to pursue, and how the disease has affected their lives.

Since its release in 2017, the documentary has been screened throughout the U.S., with educational materials available and even prostate cancer testing on site for attendees. There have been Q&A sessions as well where men who said they had been reluctant to attend the screening were later grateful for all the useful information.

“It makes me feel good that our film really is educating men, that we’re reaching men, that we’re sparking conversation because that’s what this is really about,” says Landi Maduro, the film’s director.

“When we screened the film at Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, TX, Harris County Health Systems administered PSA tests for over 200 men and 22 of them came back with high PSA levels. And, Harris County agreed to treat these men for free.”

The film even touched Maduro personally when about six months into the making of the film, her father was diagnosed with prostate cancer himself. She credits the knowledge and research she gained while creating the film for helping her father choose his treatment.

Ricco Ross, one of The Silent Killer producers who is also featured in the film, says his passion for raising awareness about prostate cancer continued to grow once the cameras stopped rolling. It’s clear there’s only one answer when he asks, “can a movie save a life?”

Get more information about The Silent Killer and any upcoming screenings here.

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