Health Care

How Two Married Abortionists Became Pro-Life


“The most dangerous place for a Black person in America is the Black womb.”

Thus sets the chilling tone of married Drs. Noreen Johnson and Haywood Robinson’s firsthand account of America’s most lucrative and deadly industry: abortion. Set soon after the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1973 and encompassing the 50 years since, The Scalpel and the Soul: Our Radical Transformation as Husband and Wife Abortion Doctors recounts their experiences as young medical students pressured into performing abortions by medical school faculty, the greed that motivated them, and the faith that saved their souls and opened their eyes to the horrors of what Haywood now calls a “global holocaust” against the unborn.

Johnson and Robinson open with detailed accounts of the malicious evil at work in abortion training. How as medical students they were taught to dehumanize the mother, avoid eye contact, and disengage from the procedure. How they were strategically “desensitized” over time, first watching, then assisting, then performing abortions, all under the collective, coercive influence of “academic mob rule.”

Moonlighting as abortionists in southern California resulted in a high income and often self-destructive lifestyle. After witnessing the downfall of well-respected physicians living profit-driven lives as abortionists, Johnson and Robinson left California for the small Texas town of Bryan/College Station. There the young couple found themselves laying their sins at the foot of the Aldersgate Church altar, accepting God’s mercy, and rising up as medical missionaries and pro-life advocates. I caught up with one of the authors, Dr. Haywood Robinson, and interviewed him about The Scalpel and the Soul and their journey to becoming pro-life. (Robinson also recently appeared on “The Federalist Radio Hour.”)

You point out in the book that physicians could have stood up and said no to abortions after the passage of Roe v. Wade. Why has the medical field allowed the Hippocratic oath to be devalued over time? Why do more doctors not stand against the culture of death?

Robinson: “It kind of gets me how quickly medicine married into abortion. With abortion, we throw away the Hippocratic oath. You would have thought there would have been some type of resistance or fight once Roe v. Wade passed. I thought the American Medical Association would have been reasonable and said, wait, this is a monumental decision and we are going to poll the physicians in the country and decide [how to respond]. … You have to recognize all of those organizations, [like the] American Medical Association, are political organizations, they are not physician organizations that represent the standards and mores that medicine traditionally stood for because they get so much money from the federal government. So they just signed on as the executioners to the ‘death penalty’ of the Roe v. Wade decision.”

Is physician collaboration any more valued now than it was then?

Robinson: “[Anthony] Fauci (chief medical adviser to the president 2021-2022) is not interested [in physicians’ opinions]. We have the best-trained physicians in the U.S., physicians in private practice, and we have a medical emergency (Covid-19) and [the government] shut us out of social networks. We could have come together and collaborated, but they shut us down. We only listened to one guy doing a press conference once a day shutting down all the great minds of medicine aside from those endorsing the vaccination.”

But based on your story, this is much more than a political or social disagreement.

Robinson: “We’ve got to understand this is not political, social, or psychological. It is a spiritual battle. The killing of babies is outlined in the Old Testament. This is not new, the shedding of innocent blood. We rename it reproductive choice, we come up with these euphemisms. The name changes, but the game doesn’t.”

Early on in the book, Noreen describes the dehumanization and depersonalization intrinsic to the abortion of a child. But this can apply to anyone. How embedded is the abortion distortion in our culture?

Robinson: “Medicine has been taken over by the government and corporations. [Noreen and I] practiced for 40 years. It’s no longer person-focused, it’s very anti-human. I use the term abortion less and less, I call these people anti-humanites, against the human species and its normal propagation.”

In your experience as an abortionist, the procedure was entirely profit-driven, never patient-focused. You make that very clear in the book, that the abortion business was founded on greed and selective killing.

Robinson: “Abortion is the No. 1 killer of African Americans. The most dangerous place for a Black person in America is a Black womb. You’re not going to see liberals quote [Planned Parenthood founder] Margaret Sanger in her own words, you’re not going to see liberals quote her vision. And her vision is being indeed realized, not only through Planned Parenthood, the NGOs, the U.N., [Bill] Gates, etc. Africa really scares them. They don’t like populations that are growing.

[Early on], black activists were all speaking out against birth control and all of the other precursors to abortion. They were warning people, but no one was listening, they were buying into the Margaret Sanger model. To this day, the black church doesn’t even address this issue of black genocide. There are more abortions in New York City of black babies than live births.”

Why does abortion thrive in black communities to this day?

Robinson: “I’ve watched blacks get opportunities to get into politics, I’ve seen blacks come along in Congress, but they did not bring with them the important component to build up a community. Most important is education. The reading and math scores in black communities, especially those led by black politicians [are exceptionally low]. As long as you keep a group of people like blacks and the lower socioeconomic class convinced they are victims, that the only people who can protect you are the Democrats, [they are] loyal because [they believe] they can’t live without them. So they are kept undereducated, underserved, under income. But they keep voting for that same thing.”

As a 50-year witness to the fallout of Roe v. Wade, what effect do you hope to make with The Scalpel and the Soul?

Robinson­: “I want to save lives, hearts to be changed, and stop killing these innocent babies and turn from that wickedness. It’s a global Holocaust.”

Ashley Bateman is a policy writer for The Heartland Institute and blogger for Ascension Press. Her work has been featured in The Washington Times, The Daily Caller, The New York Post, The American Thinker and numerous other publications. She previously worked as an adjunct scholar for The Lexington Institute and as editor, writer and photographer for The Warner Weekly, a publication for the American military community in Bamberg, Germany.

Ashley is a board member at a Catholic homeschool cooperative in Virginia. She homeschools her four incredible children along with her brilliant engineer/scientist husband.


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