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Idaho has More of This Resource Than all Other Lower 48 States


Idaho has rivers.  A lot of them.  According to Only In Your State, Idaho has more river miles than any other state in the lower 48.  These are great for fishing, boating, and all sorts of tourist activities.  It’s also great for the economy.  Early Idaho survived by loading agricultural products, precious metals, and timber onto barges.  These were shipped downriver and made their way to coastal cities where there was great demand as the country was growing.

Is Idaho Headed for Recession?

It may be one reason why some economists say the state won’t fall into recession, even if the rest of the country stumbles.  You can read what they’re saying by clicking this link.

This is also an argument for protecting the Port of Lewiston, which would collapse if four dams were removed on the lower Snake River.

Mining is Our Future

The state is expecting another economic boom.  There’s a renewed interest in the minerals beneath the ground.  Many of these are necessary for everything from smartphones to electric vehicles.  Incoming State Senator Glenneda Russell Zuiderveld recently attended a mining conference in Boise.  A speaker told the audience that Idaho is the richest state in the nation when you factor in mineral wealth.  We could move the minerals by water and save some serious transportation costs.  Doubt my claim?  Then click on the video below and you’ll get an explanation.

Idaho has more river miles than all its neighbors.  The United States has more river miles than all of our competitors around the globe.  We could be heading for a new economic golden age.

READ ON: See the States Where People Live the Longest

Read on to learn the average life expectancy in each state.


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