
Industries, Business Leaders, Taxpayer Orgs: Manchin-Biden Build Back Better Harms Economy, Kills Jobs


Industries, Business Leaders, Taxpayer Orgs: Manchin-Biden Build Back Better Harms Economy, Kills Jobs

Opposition grows to Democrats’ tax-and-spend bill that would crush economy

Democrats’ Manchin-Biden Build Back Better would destroy American innovation, raise taxes on lower- and middle-income workers, result in more audits for all Americans, and push the economy further into an inflationary death spiral – all at a time when American families and small businesses are suffering under record-high inflation and a worker shortage.

READ: Schumer-Manchin Tax Hikes Land on Working Americans

Americans across the country, including business leaders, economic organizations, and taxpayer rights advocates, announced their opposition to the bill. Here’s a list with links to their objections:


American Action Forum

American Benefits Council

American Coalition for Taxpayer Rights

American Experiment

American Exploration & Production Council (AXPC)

America First Policy Institute (AFPI)

American Petroleum Institute

Americans for Prosperity

Americans for Tax Reform

Americans for Tax Reform


Arizona Chamber

Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC)

Associated General Contractors of America

Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM)

Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM)

Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC)

Beer Institute

Biocom California

Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)

Business Roundtable

Business Roundtable

California Biotech CEOs

California Life Sciences

Can Manufacturers Institute

Center for a Free Economy

Center for Individual Freedom (2021)

Coalition of Minority Owned Businesses (2021)

Coalition of 14 Real Estate Organizations (2021)

Competitive Enterprise Institute (2021)

Concerned Women for America

Council for Affordable Health Coverage

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

Council of State Bioscience Associations

Club for Growth


FDA Law Blog


Heritage Action

Heritage Foundation (2021)

Independent Electrical Contractors

Job Creators Network

Juneau Oil and Gas

Koch Network

Main Street Employers

Managed Funds Association

National Association of Home Builders

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)

National Association of Small Trucking Companies

National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors

National Black Chamber of Commerce (2021)


National Multifamily Housing Council (2021)

National Restaurant Association

National Taxpayers Union

National Taxpayers Union

National Taxpayers Union

National Venture Capital Association

Pacific Research Institute

Paragon Health Institute

31 Pharmaceutical CEOs (CA)



Pink Sheet: Informa Pharma Intelligence”

Rapport: Biotech

Real Estate Roundtable

R Street Institute


Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council

States Trust

Taxpayers Protection Alliance (2021)

Taxpayers Protection Alliance

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

WSJ Editorial Board

46brooklyn Research

READ: Brady on Manchin-Biden Bill: Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers–More IRS Audits Headed Your Way

READ: Study: Democrats’ Price Controls Would Have Killed 104 Cures We Have Today

READ: The Top Five Most Nefarious Loopholes in Democrats’ New Book Minimum Tax

READ: Democrats Take Aim at American Manufacturing With Manchin-Biden Build Back Better Tax Hikes


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