
NARAL Pro-Choice America Applauds Introduction of the Reproductive Health Act in the Michigan State Legislature


For Immediate Release: Thursday, September 7, 2023

Contact: [email protected] 

Lansing, MI — Today, Democrats in the Michigan State House of Representatives led by Speaker Pro Tempore Laurie Pohutsky and State Senate led by State Senator Sarah Anthony introduced the Reproductive Health Act (RHA). The RHA aims to eliminate outdated and unnecessary abortion restrictions in Michigan, allowing Michiganders the autonomy to make personal decisions without government interference. If signed into law, this measure would also incorporate abortion protections from Michigan’s “Proposal 3” ballot initiative into state statute. With abortion access under attack across the country, this legislation is crucial for safeguarding reproductive freedom in the state.

Ensuring the passage of the Reproductive Health Act is a major step forward for Michiganders, who overwhelmingly voiced their support for abortion access in the November elections. A new poll shows that 55% of voters in Michigan battleground state house districts support the RHA, underscoring that voters support expanded abortion access and protection, and want their lawmakers to act.

NARAL Pro-Choice America President Mini Timmaraju released the following statement in response:

“Michigan is setting the example our nation desperately needs as anti-abortion extremists continue their effort to take away our freedoms. The Reproductive Health Act is a bold step forward in securing the right to equitable abortion access—a critical victory for reproductive freedom in the Great Lakes State. We urge the state legislature to act swiftly and pass this vital legislation, ensuring that every Michigander can access the care they need.”

This moment was only made possible because Michiganders elected a reproductive freedom majority in the state legislature and showed their support for abortion access by approving the “Proposal 3” ballot initiative, enshrining the right to reproductive freedom, including the right to abortion and contraception, in the state constitution. The people hurt most by abortion bans and restrictions are those who already face barriers to accessing abortion care—including women; Black, Latina/x, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Indigenous people; those working to make ends meet; the LGBTQ+ community; immigrants; young people; those living in rural communities; people with disabilities, and other historically oppressed communities.




For over 50 years, NARAL Pro-Choice America has fought to protect and advance reproductive freedom at the federal and state levels—including access to abortion care, birth control, pregnancy and post-partum care, and paid family leave—for everybody. NARAL is powered by its 4 million members from every state and congressional district in the country, representing the 8 in 10 Americans who support legal abortion.





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