
No more silent tears : Let’s take a look at ‘Barbershop Therapy’ | Local News


It is where men commune, energizes, and mobilize one another, encouraging each other to get regular mental and physical healthcare checkups.

Many men have a stoic or pessimistic stance toward receiving help with their physical or psychological well-being. Many have shared that the barbershop is where they have been able to talk openly with other men about matters that they would not share in different locales. This place of solace is known as “The Barbershop Therapy,” a place to edify and share coping tools to help other men who may have or come across relatable experiences. Conversations that are designed to help others alleviate complex emotional trauma. The Barbershop is therapeutic when men come together and do not have to be concerned about their peers emasculating them or looking down upon them because they all communicate in a safe and comfortable environment where they can receive information from other men with different perspectives. There has been a stigma outside of the barbershop as we look deeper into men’s health: men are less proactive regarding their health, and many men were taught that showing signs of health or mental health issues is a sign of weakness.


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