Health Care

Polio Virus Detected In New York Wastewater


Last week, New York health officials announced that the polio virus was detected in sewage. This discovery suggests “likely local circulation of the virus.” Polio is a highly infectious viral disease that can lead to permanent paralysis of the arms and legs and lead to death sometimes.

Unfortunately, the latest finding comes just weeks after officials announced paralytic polio was detected in a Rockland County resident. Similar virus detections in waterwaste samples were collected earlier this year from neighboring counties.

What the Polio Virus Findings Mean

According to NY health officials, these detections are alarming but not surprising. “For every one case of paralytic polio identified, hundreds more may be undetected,” State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said in a statement. In addition, Bassett said the State Health Department is working with local and federal partners. “Responding urgently, continuing case investigation, and aggressively assessing spread. The best way to keep adults and children polio-free is through safe and effective immunization – New Yorkers’ greatest protection against the worst outcomes of polio, including permanent paralysis and even death.”

How Can We Stay Safe?

Honestly, get vaccinated. “The risk to New Yorkers is real, but the defense is so simple – get vaccinated against polio,” New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan said.

“With polio circulating in our communities, there is simply nothing more essential than vaccinating our children to protect them from this virus. If you’re unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated adult, please choose now to get the vaccine,” Vasan said. “Polio is entirely preventable, and its reappearance should be a call to action for all of us.”

According to the CDC, the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) is the only polio immunization. It has been given out in the U.S. since 2000 and protects 99% of children who get all four doses. Most adults received who received vaccines as children received their IPV shots. The CDC says adults at higher risk for exposure after their vaccines can get one lifetime IPV booster. However, the CDC recommends any adults who were not vaccinated should get their IPV doses.

If you are unsure, you can always check your vaccination history at


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