
Rev. Michael Nabors: Race and the election of a Georgia senator


“Two Black men, one representing nearly every Black voter in Georgia and one representing a predominately white political party.”

Rev. Michael Nabors

Herschel Walker was an embarrassment to nearly all Black Americans and those who associate themselves as part of the African American diaspora. 

An overwhelming majority of Black people were not pleased that Walker became a candidate for the United States Senate, nominated and endorsed by one of the major political parties. 

In fact, exit polls showed that only white voters picked Walker.

The Rev. Michael Nabors of the Second Baptist Church. Credit: Richard Cahan

It simply seemed shocking that Walker nearly won the Georgia senate seat Nov. 8 and once again on Dec. 6. It was a neck and neck race all the way to the finish line.

Article after article has been written about this race being close. These include opinions and perspectives about why Walker lost, how Walker lost, how Walker might have won and how Walker could have won. 

Ad absurdum are the major media and social media outlets in covering the outcome of the special senator election in Atlanta. In light of so many stories that have been written, the question arises how was the race so close….twice? 

The answer to the question may speak of the tragic reality about our divided nation.

Their early years

The biographies of each candidate are compelling and the facts are very telling.


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