Take bold, compassionate action against racism
As a 72-year-old, straight white male living in the United States, I have been the beneficiary of white supremacy, usually without any consciousness on my part of what was happening. Because of who I am, there is no way that I can ever fully understand, nor feel the humiliation of racism and discrimination that people of color experience every day.
About 20 years ago, as I was praying asking God to do something about race relations in our city, the Spirit gave me a holy nudge with the question, “What are you doing about it?” I was praying for God to do something, while I sat on the sidelines. I believe that compassion for those who suffer from racism must not only be comfort but include concrete actions:
1. actions to help the individuals
2. actions to change systems.
Earier column:Rev. Glen VanderKloot: Have we lost the way?
I decided that I would begin by attending the Springfield Ministerial Alliance, an organization of the African American pastors and ministers. I attended that next meeting and met a few of the members. They invited me to come back. I began to learn about their experiences of being pulled over for DWB – driving while black. I was the only one who never had that experience as I was the only Caucasian member.
During my years of being part of the Ministerial Alliance, I learned so much. I saw how single black moms struggled month after month of trying to feed their children on their limited income. I saw the need for government provided day care for these mothers, so they could work full-time and earn a decent salary. I saw the need for government officials to come and see the poverty in the African American community, rather than just coming around during an election cycle. I saw the need for post-high school training for the trades. I saw the need for affordable and accessible health care. I saw the need for more minority teachers and administrators in our public schools and more minority police and fire fighters. The needs are great.
More:Rev. Glen VanderKloot: Calm in the midst of the storm
The University of Utah Health Care System has a web article titled, “How To Respond With Compassion When Someone Is Hurt By Racism.” In the article, Trinh Mai and Jean Whitlock begin by naming the problem very specifically:
“Racism isn’t something that happens “somewhere else.” It happens right here, every day… It is sometimes inflicted by strangers, but more often by well-intentioned colleagues.”
They see it, name it and own it. It is imperative that we do not deny a problem exists with racism in every institution, business, church, school and government. We need to acknowledge “It happens right here, every day.”
They also provide some good questions for us to ask ourselves:
* What is within your role and how can you use your privilege and power?
* How can you protect the individual’s confidentiality?
* What resources do they need?
* How can your words and actions clearly not dismiss racism and protect the status quo?
The Rev. Glen VanderKloot is the retired pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, where he had served since 1989.
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