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Thanks to those shining a light on the African American community; addressing homelessness; Eastport history lesson


Janice Hayes-Williams, in her recent article about the Old Fourth Ward (Capital March 31) and in other articles about African American history in Anne Arundel County, modestly describes herself as a historian. Indeed she is and a fine one.

But more than that, she is a civil rights activist who understands that shining a light on the historical challenges, losses and successes of the African American community is as important to the cause of equal rights as protesting and registering voters.

Many of us who were educated in public schools in the last century learned something about slavery, emancipation, reconstruction and, maybe, the Great Migration. Information about the horrors of Jim Crow, race riots, separate but equal, and systemic racism required independent inquiry. The uplifting works of Hayes-Williams, Vincent Leggett, Carl Snowden and others take us a step further in helping to dissolve the perception of racial differences that nurture fear and distrust, the foundations of racism.

Their works do not just document the critical contributions African Americans have made to the establishment, prosperity and defense of our society. But, more importantly, the works show the resilience of individual African Americans, faced with systemic racism as well as the everyday challenges faced by the rest of us, persevering in their commitment to faith, family, country and racial equality. Appreciating the extraordinary accomplishments described in these stories melts away fear and distrust and replaces them with admiration and respect.

Thank you Janice Hayes-Williams and your fellow local historians. But don’t stop protesting and registering voters.

Bob Gallagher, Annapolis

We too often forget that Annapolis’ location and culture attract artists of the first rank to live and work here. Last weekend’s performance of the majestic “Brahm’s Requiem” by the Annapolis Chamber Orchestra and Chorale at Maryland Hall was a stunning reminder of what makes the quality of life here so rich.

Under the masterful baton of Ernie Green, more than 140 musicians and vocalists delivered an inspiring and moving evening of great music. Thank you!

Rick Wade, Arnold

Homelessness is a huge issue in our country. It is a sad reality that we face but we can’t just let it be. Public libraries are a great place to help out homeless people. Public libraries are a great space for books and other resources. Libraries are also unique in that they are one of the few places in the U.S. that offer resources and are free.

This draws many homeless people as libraries offer access to restrooms, water, heat/AC, computers, job training and mental health services for no cost. These are all things that can help homeless people get jobs and contribute to society.

While these are all great things that can help the homeless, many public libraries are underfunded which makes it difficult to offer the support that homeless people need. I feel that we need to increase funding for public libraries so we can have properly staffed libraries. This would help those experiencing homelessness and get them back on their feet.

Jack McDonough, Annapolis

I am enrolled in a Social Justice in Action course where we study the cycles of poverty and injustice that plague our communities. The class decided to take a walk around Washington, D.C. Taking a walk around my city was a nice change of pace for the class. We got a chance to see firsthand how our city is dealing with homelessness.

I must say that I am quite disappointed at how we have approached the issue. During the walk, I saw a woman sitting alone. She had nothing but a backpack and a half-eaten Chipotle burrito, which I assume someone bought for her out of good faith.

I was nervous to approach her but something in me would not let me just walk past her. Upon approaching the woman there was a look of fear in her eyes. I said hi and asked for her name to which her response was, “Why would I tell you my name … I don’t know who you are.” I then sat down in the middle of the busy D.C train station and explained to her that I was not trying to chastise or harass her and that I sought only understanding. This broke my heart.

The fact that the cycles of poverty have conditioned people to look down upon and others is sickening especially when most individuals are only one or two paychecks away from being in the exact same situation.

Duane Sylvestre, Bowie

I appreciate Jeff Holland’s article on walking Eastport. There are several points that are somewhat inaccurate. I know this may sound self-serving but over time history gets lost about the beginning of things so …

The property for the Annspolis Maritime Museum was secured by me as alderman and included a $250,000 state open space grant, the first given for a patch of land in an urban area. This action was controversial, opposed by then Sen. Gerald Winegrad and continually referred to negatively by several members of the city council.

The walking trail referred to originated with me in response to a state tourism conference that was being held in the city. Peg Wallace led the walk that did have signs, most written by me. In fact, people sponsored signs with a $1,000 contribution.

Julie Gay wrote me a check on the trunk of her car for the sign recognizing Arnie Gay. I sponsored a sign on horse racing. Jerry Parks sponsored several signs. The names of original sponsors and the original signs were wiped out on the redo Holland mentions under the Cohen administration.

I was Eastport alderman for several terms beginning in the 1980s. (I was the mother of the street end parks beginning in the 1960 as First Lady.) I did secure the waterfront property at AMM. I did initiate the walking trail. I did help fund and write the signs along the trail. And by the way, I secured a fund from Bobby Leonard to upstart the Historic Committee.

Eastport is blessed to have the dedication of Mike Miron, Peg Wallace and Elizabeth Reed to grow the acorn I started into the grand program that celebrates the stories of Eastport. All things have a beginning.

It is enthusiastic and committed people whobuild on original ideas, many get lost or ignored. Thanks to Miron, Wallace and Reed, and original dollar contributors. Their ideas for promoting Eastport history did not get lost.

Ellen Moyer, Annapolis

Moyer is a former mayor and alderman in Annapolis

Ellen Moyer’s op-ed about Maryland politician Daniel Brewster contains a puzzling reference to former Alabama Gov. George Wallace. The article states Brewster “… campaign[ed] against Wallace for president in 1964. Wallace lost with just 43% of the vote.” If this is referring to the 1964 Maryland Democratic primary, it is not explained clearly.

President Lyndon Johnson easily defeated Wallace for the 1964 Democratic nomination, and so Wallace did not run for president that year. Wallace did run as a third-party candidate in 1968, winning 13.5% of the popular vote (nearly 10 million) and 46 electoral votes. Richard Nixon won the presidency that year, amassing 301 electoral votes to 191 for Hubert Humphrey.

Martin Leonka, Lothian


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