
WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Leaders, Caregivers, Advocates and More Applaud President Biden’s Executive Order Increasing Access to High-Quality Care and Supporting Caregivers


Today, President Biden Signed an executive order to expand access to affordable, high-quality care and provide support for care workers and family caregivers. This executive order, which includes more than 50 directives for agencies across the government, is the most comprehensive set of executive actions any President has ever taken to make care more affordable and accessible for hardworking families and further support care workers and family caregivers.

The President believes investing in care is an investment in the future of America’s families, workforce, and economy. That is why President Biden’s economic agenda aims to build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out by transforming care in this country.

See below for how congressional leaders, family caregivers, people with disabilities, long-term care workers, early educators, veterans, advocates for older Americans, and more responded:

Congressional Leaders:

Massachusetts Congresswoman and Minority Whip Katherine Clark: “No family should be forced to choose between caring for their loved ones and putting food on the table. No care worker should have to take home less than a living wage. And no business should lose dedicated employees because they can’t find care for their family members. Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s unprecedented executive actions today, more Americans across the country will enjoy the dignity and financial security they deserve. Millions of parents, caregivers, educators, and veterans will have access to the affordable, high-quality care they need to get by – while our economy will have the foundation it needs to thrive. Democrats understand that the care economy has always been a vital piece of our nation’s infrastructure – that care work enables all other work. Since day one, President Biden has put working families front and center, and House Democrats will continue to champion solutions that put people over politics: lower costs for parents, quality care for kids, and livable wages for care workers.” [Statement, 4/18/23]

Washington Senator Patty Murray, Chairwoman, Senate Appropriations Committee: “@POTUS’s executive order takes critical steps to help make child care more affordable & accessible for working families everywhere. But make no mistake: we still need bold congressional action to fix our child care crisis—& that’s what I’m working nonstop to do.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Montana Senator John Tester, Chairman, Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee:
“This is great news for our aging and disabled veterans who deserve and have earned access to quality home-based care. Ensuring these men and women have access to convenient, long-term care options after their time in uniform is absolutely critical, and I’m proud to have pushed the Administration to take action. I’ll keep working to hold folks in Washington accountable on delivering this needed support now and in the future.” [Statement, 4/18/23]

Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, Ranking Member, House Appropriations Committee: “The rising cost of living is an assault on working families in the U.S. I applaud President Biden for taking steps to lower the cost of child care and give care and education workers a deserved boost in pay.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Virginia Congressman Bobby Scott, Ranking Member, House Education and the Workforce Committee: “It’s obvious to our constituents and it should be obvious to politicians: we can’t expect people to work unless we invest in the support they need to care for their loved ones. This is a vital step that reflects many of my long-standing priorities.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Congressional Progressive Caucus: “As the COVID-19 pandemic made abundantly clear, care workers are essential to our economy and to the health and wellbeing of all our communities. But for too long, child care and home care have been unaffordable, inaccessible, and care workers dramatically undervalued and …] Today, President Biden rightfully recognized that well-paid, experienced care workers are central to ensuring a competitive and fair economy, and that access to affordable, quality care services are necessary for every family to thrive. […]” [Statement, 4/18/23]

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine: “Parents are being locked out of the workforce because they can’t affordable child care. Critical workers who are passionate about child and long-term care are being forced to leave their field because they can’t pay their bills. It’s clear from my conversations with Virginians across the Commonwealth that our care system is in crisis, and our workers, families, and economies are paying the price. Today’s announcement is an important step in the right direction, but more work remains to be done[…]” [Statement, 4/18/23]

California Congresswoman Sara Jacobs: “I’m so grateful the Biden Administration is expanding access to long-term care and child care, including for military families, and raising the pay of care workers. This will be life-changing for so many families.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

California Congressman Jared Huffman: “Everyone deserves access to affordable, high-quality care. And everyone providing vital care deserves no less than a solid living wage. The U.S. can’t thrive without the strong foundation of the care economy. Well done, @POTUS, for taking these steps.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Delaware Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester: “We know that lack of access to child care was one of the reasons why nearly 2 million women left the workforce during the pandemic. I applaud @POTUS’ commitment to making it more affordable and accessible through this EO – a win-win for parents and caregivers and our economy.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Georgia Congresswoman Nikema Williams: “Increasing access to care makes our entire economy stronger. Thank you @POTUS for taking action to improve the care economy. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Maryland Congressman John Sarbanes: “I’m pleased that @POTUS is improving access to long-term care for seniors, home-based care for veterans and quality childcare for families. This executive order will help lower costs for families and support care workers and family caregivers.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

New York Congresswoman Grace Meng: “Thank you to @JoeBiden for standing with parents and working to make child care cheaper and more accessible! This is an important step forward, but there are too many families struggling to make ends meet. We cannot leave anyone behind.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

New York Congresswoman Yvette Clarke: “Applauding @POTUS’ bold, humanitarian action to invest in America’s child care workers. When the vast majority of care workers are women and women of color, there can be no debate – this is a cause for racial justice, and I’m proud to see the Biden Administration fight for it.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Ohio Congresswoman Joyce Beatty: “The shortage of affordable child care in our country is a crisis. With this executive order, we’re taking significant steps  toward a permanent child care infrastructure that respects and values women in the workforce. Thank you, @POTUS! 👏🏾” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Oregon Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici: “Parents, caregivers, educators, & veterans deserve access to affordable, high-quality care. I applaud @POTUS for taking steps to lead an economy with the foundation it needs to thrive, & I remain committed to fighting for needed investments in affordable child & long-term care.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]

Elder Care Leaders

AARP: “AARP applauds today’s Executive Order recognizing the need to make family caregivers a national priority to meet the rapidly growing needs of families across America. Family caregivers are the indispensable backbone of our health and long-term care system, help their loved ones live at home, and they are exhausted. […] This is a nonpartisan issue that affects us all, but it does not get nearly the recognition or support it deserves. Family caregivers are an essential but often invisible part of almost any care team, who are often in desperate need of more support. […] Today’s Executive Order is an important step forward, building on the first-ever National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers released last fall, the result of years of bipartisan effort in Congress. We stand ready to work with the Administration to advance the important policies to support family caregivers and the long-term workforce. We will continue to work with bipartisan leaders in Congress to advance legislation that can further deliver relief to family caregivers such as paid leave, family caregiver tax credits and other reimbursement programs, and other supports. AARP has spent decades fighting for family caregivers across the country, and we won’t stop until their needs are addressed—and their voices are heard.” [Statement, 4/18/2023]  

AARP Advocates: “We’re at the White House for an announcement that will help family caregivers nationwide!” [Tweet, 4/18/2023]  

Michael Adams, CEO, SAGE USA: “A beautiful day in the Rose Garden with @HHS_ASH as @POTUS signs an executive order increasing support for direct care workers. Like millions of people living in the U.S., #LGBTQ elders rely on care workers as they age; greater funding will help them keep the resources they need.” [Tweet, 4/18/2023]  

Ramsey Alwin, President & CEO, National Council on Aging: “1/ So excited to witness this moment @WhiteHouse when we start helping our caregivers, both paid and unpaid. #CareCantWait” [Tweet Thread, 4/18/2023]  

Jennifer Goldberg, Deputy Director, Justice in Aging: “ ‘You care for the people we value the most in the whole world’ -@POTUS talking about family caregivers and care workers in the Rose Garden #CareCantWait #CareEconomy #CareWorkersRecognitionMonth” [Tweet, 4/18/2023] 

Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO, AARP: “Family caregivers are an essential part of almost any care team, working hand-in-hand with the paid direct care workforce. We must strengthen and support this care team and today’s Executive Order is an important step forward.” [Tweet, 4/18/2023]  

Justice in Aging: “We commend President Biden for his continued leadership in building a care infrastructure that meets the needs of older adults. The actions outlined in today’s Executive Order to advance better home care jobs, provide increased supports for family caregivers, and improve care in nursing facilities align with Justice in Aging’s vision for a society that ensures all older adults can age in dignity,” said Kevin Prindiville, Executive Director of Justice in Aging. “This Executive Order sends a clear signal that this Administration values older adults and their caregivers, and we look forward to continuing our work with the Administration and Congress on building an equitable long-term care system.” [Statement, 4/18/2023] 

Nancy LeaMond, Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer, AARP: “Today’s White House Executive Order recognizes the essential role that family caregivers play in our health and long-term care system. This is a huge victory building on years of hard work by advocates and policymakers on both sides of the aisle.” [Tweet, 4/18/2023]  

Jason Resendez, President & CEO, National Alliance for Caregiving: “Incredibly humbled to join @POTUS today for the signing of an Executive Order that will move our nation closer to valuing America’s 53 mil caregivers. My family’s caregiver-in-chief, my abuelo, grew up picking cotton in South Texas so I could be here today 🥲#CaregivingIntheUS.” [Tweet, 4/18/2023] 

National Alliance for Caregiving: “The National Alliance for Caregiving applauds the Biden administration’s efforts to address our nation’s caregiving crisis by signing 50 executive actions aimed at strengthening our care infrastructure. The administration’s sweeping actions will better recognize and support family caregivers in healthcare settings, expand respite support for America’s 11 million dementia caregivers, and strengthen mental health supports for the caregivers of military veterans. In addition, efforts to expand access to affordable, high-quality childcare and provide support for care workers represent a bold approach to improving care across the lifespan. With these actions, the Biden administration is taking historic steps towards implementation of our nation’s first-ever National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers and towards addressing the harsh effects– and inequities – associated with caregiving for millions of American families. These consequences include worsening health outcomes, emotional distress, and economic insecurity, especially among women of color. The National Alliance for Caregiving urges continued action by the administration and Congress to implement the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers and to advance policies such as paid family and medical leave that can help making caregiving more sustainable, dignified, and equitable for America’s 53 million family caregivers.” [Statement, 4/18/2023]  

National Council on Aging: “(1/2): NCOA’s President and CEO @Ramsey_Alwin attended the @WhiteHouse ceremony where @POTUS signed executive orders that will help caregivers and #CareWorkers, both paid and unpaid. #CareCantWait” [Tweet Thread, 4/18/2023]  

Caring Across Generations: “And with that, a new path is paved for the future of care in this country. We were so honored to join @domesticworkers, @SEIU, @NPWF, @NAEYC, @MomsRising and other #CareCantWait partners as @POTUS signed his executive order on care.” [Tweet, 4/18/2023]  

Child Care Leaders

Child Care Aware of America: “The White House today announced more than 50 executive directives aimed at improving access to and quality of child care and long-term care in the United States. These sweeping actions are aimed at increasing the affordability of and access to child care for families and targeting the compensation for child care providers. […]This country’s child care infrastructure still requires robust, permanent investments to succeed. These steps must be met with Congressional commitments to provide federal funding for child care in the U.S. to reach its fullest potential. [Statement, 4/18/23] 

Sarah Rittling, Executive Director, First Five Years Fund: “The president’s message tonight was clear: Congress should prioritize child care and early learning and send a bill lowering families’ costs to his desk for signature. President Biden understands that the high cost and limited supply of child care and pre-K has held working families back for too long. We have an opportunity to provide relief to parents and build an early learning system that meets the needs of families, providers, and our economy.[…]The good news is that we have never been closer to passing strong, federal legislation to fortify America’s child care and early learning sector. We look forward to continuing to work with Congress and heed the President’s call this evening to enact these desperately-needed reforms and investments.” [Statement, 4/18/23] 

Michelle Kang, CEO of the National Association for the Education of Young Children: “A day when the White House recognizes the valuable and essential work of early childhood educators is a good day. NAEYC is grateful for this Administration’s efforts to find every opportunity to give the child care crisis the attention it so richly deserves and the solutions it requires – and we look forward to continued work with Congress to make the investments it so urgently needs.” [Statement, 4/18/23]   

Yasmina Vinci, NHSA Executive Director, National Head Start Association: “We are deeply appreciative to see President Biden doubling-down on the vision laid out in his FY24 budget proposal, which aims to simultaneously stabilize the Head Start workforce and increase access for working parents and caregivers. It is commendable that the President is doing everything in his power to ensure the stability and ability of Head Start programs to continue providing high-quality services to our nation’s families and we now look to the 118th Congress to do everything in their power to move this vision forward. […]” [Statement, 4/18/23] 

Save the Children Action Network: ” Great news for the child care industry! Today, the @WhiteHouse announced an executive order prioritizing child care and the early educator workforce. This is a big step toward supporting the caregivers and families across the country!” [Tweet, 4/18/23]   

Miriam Calderón, Chief Policy Officer at Zero To Three “We commend the Biden Administration for its bold leadership and commitment to this vital issue. There is no denying that our nation’s child care system is broken and in need of extraordinary efforts to guarantee every baby has the opportunity to access high-quality child care that will prepare them to learn and grow. We call on Congress to work with the Administration to build on these executive actions. A first step is continuing to support investments that sustain child care supply and lower costs for families, including the stabilization funding expiring this year, while working towards enacting comprehensive policies to guarantee access to high-quality child care and early learning opportunities.” [Statement, 4/18/23] 

National Indian Child Care Association: “Too many families and individuals struggle to access the affordable, high-quality care they need.  […] President Biden believes that we must secure significant new federal investments to transform care in this country. That’s why he and Vice President Harris called for investments to support high-quality, affordable child care, preschool, and long-term care in their fiscal year 2024 budget. While Congress considers those proposals, the President is taking immediate action to make care more affordable for American families, support family caregivers, boost compensation and improve job quality for care workers, and expand care options.” [Instagram, 4/18/23] 

Start Early: “Start Early applauds @POTUS for taking action to increase #childcare access for families and compensation supports for providers across the country.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Start Early: “Start Early applauds President Biden for taking action to increase child care access for families and compensation supports for providers across the country. We call on Congress to expand on this support for our nation’s youngest learners and those who care for them.” [LinkedIn, 4/18/23]   

Dan Wuori, Senior Director of Early Learning, The Hunt Institute: “This afternoon President Biden will sign an executive order including more than 50 federal actions related to care. One likely result is the reduction or elimination of child care copayments for families receiving subsidized care.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]   

Disability Rights Leaders

Maria Town, President & CEO, American Association of People with Disabilities: “For decades, disabled people have fought to live in our homes and communities, not in institutions. A key element to this fight is enhancing wages, benefits, and job conditions for direct support workers who provide the necessary services to ensure community integration. Individuals in this workforce, who are predominantly disabled women of color, must often work multiple jobs with no benefits to make ends meet. […] We urge Congress to pass President Biden’s budget and to commit to the improved employment, financial security, and health of our nation through investment in home and community based services, paid leave, and child care. […]” [Statement, 4/18/23]

American Association of People with Disabilities: “Today, the Biden-Harris Admin announced 50 actions to bolster the care economy! An Executive Order signed by Pres. Biden this afternoon will increase access to #HCBS & childcare, improve jobs for direct support workers, & support unpaid caregivers.” [Tweet Thread, 4/18/23]   

Christopher Banks, President and CEO of the Autism Society of America: “Our community-based service system is in crisis. Many Autistic individuals want to live at home or in their community with support, but funding has not kept up with the needs of families. We applaud President Biden’s actions and urge Congress to pass the Better Care Better Jobs Act to support families with disabilities.” [Statement, 4/18/23]  4/18/23] 

HFC (Alzheimer’s Advocacy): “This is big! Biden’s executive order is the most comprehensive set of actions on care EVER and will create a roadmap for federal agencies to drastically improve care programs for all of us. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

See Mia Roll, Director of the Disability Justice Initiative, Center for American Progress: “Disabled people provide and receive care and it is essential that we improv the current patchwork system. This new executive action will help millions of individuals and families. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Autism Society: “Today, the Autism Society of America joined President Biden at the White House as he signed an Executive Order to improve care for working families and support professionals caring for individuals with disabilities.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]   

The Arc of the United States: “Today is a BIG day for caregivers, care workers, and people with disabilities! Today @POTUS announced comprehensive support to strengthen home-based care, job quality, and child care. This is a significant step forward for disability rights!” [Tweet, 4/18/23]   

Little Lobbyist: “BREAKING NEWS: Today President Biden will sign an executive order to direct Federal agencies to take steps toward fixing our country’s broken child care and long term home care system!” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

National Council on Independent Living: “Today, NCIL Executive Director Theo Braddy joined President Biden as he signed an Executive Order with over 50 directives aimed at increasing support for care workers and family caregivers. These orders included:

  • Making child care and long-term care more affordable and accessible for people with disabilities, older adults, and families;
  • Providing veterans with better access to home-based care;
  • Supporting family caregivers; and
  • Improving the job quality for long-term care workers.

For more information on the Executive Order, see the full Fact Sheet ( NCIL commends the Biden administration for its commitment to improve care for people with disabilities. We look forward to continuing to work with this Administration and advocating for access to consumer controlled personal care programs and home and community-based services for people with disabilities.”  [Statement] 4/18/23] 

New Disabled South: “The Biden Administration’s executive actions on care improvement across the nation are a welcome step in the right direction for disabled Americans and their families, care workers, veterans, and others in the care economy.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]   

Labor Leaders

Mary Kay Henry, International President, Service Employees International Union: “Today’s announcement is a major win for families and a testament to the collective power of working people. For more than a decade, the majority Black, Latina, Indigenous, AAPI, and immigrant women who power our care workforce have raised their voices to declare that care can’t wait and inaction is not an option. This executive order shows that the Biden Administration heard them. […]” [Statement, 4/18/23]   

Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of teachers: “Every family has a need for child care, elder care and everything in between. Yet care is both very expensive and not readily available, and caregivers rarely secure a living wage or decent working conditions. That’s why what the Biden-Harris administration did today was so important. The president recognized the critical work of the caregivers today in issuing the most comprehensive set of executive actions any president has ever taken to improve care for hard-working families: lowering costs for child care, increasing pay and benefits for Head Start and child care workers, improving working conditions for those caring for our loved ones in nursing homes, supporting family caregivers and supporting the rights of people doing this essential work to have union protections on the job. Families deeply appreciate President Biden’s family-first agenda as he lifts up the real work of care and what our kids and communities need.” [Statement, 4/18/23]   

Lee Saunders, President, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees: “Today, we celebrate a major milestone in our effort to address the crisis in care and win respect and recognition for care workers. President Joe Biden’s new executive order will lower care costs for working families while also investing in the essential workers who make all other work possible. From expanding home-based care for veterans to improving access and affordability of child care for tribes and military families, the Biden administration is leaving no stone unturned. Improving care is critical to building a strong, thriving economy. […] It’s high time we dedicated ourselves to transforming this sector for the betterment of all working people, and we applaud President Joe Biden for signing this groundbreaking executive order.” [Statement, 4/18/23]   

Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO: “Today’s executive order reinforces why President Biden is leading the most pro-worker administration in our nation’s history. As working families continue to face rising costs and fewer options for quality care, these actions come at a critical time. They will help to address the growing crisis in our care system and give working families some much-needed relief. […] We can no longer afford to ignore this crisis, and we are glad the administration has taken definitive action to tackle this problem head on. We call on lawmakers in Congress to follow suit and finally make overdue investments in care.” [Statement, 4/18/23]   

Women’s Community, Care Advocates, and  Other Policy Leaders and Experts

Fatima Goss Graves, President & CEO, National Women’s Law Center: “We enthusiastically applaud the Biden Administration for making this milestone commitment to child care, care for people who are aging or have a disability, and the families who provide it. Today’s executive actions are an encouraging sign that we are closer than ever to a society that truly values the contributions and sacrifices of working families and caregivers who are vital to our economy. While we commend the Administration for using every tool available to expand access to child care and long-term care, it can’t fix these problems alone. We need Congress to enact policy solutions that will fix the care crisis, including on child care, paid family and medical leave, and long-term care, and that will support workers who provide care. For too long, families have endured crushing financial burdens due to lack of care options. These same families and care workers are the backbone of our entire economy. We cannot afford to wait” [Statement, 4/18/23]   

National Women’s Law Center: “We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: care justice is racial justice. @POTUS’ actions today help make care more valued and visible for all, including the Black women and women of color who represent the majority of today’s care workforce.” [Tweet Thread, 4/18/23]   

Kristen Rowe-Finkbeiner, Executive Director & CEO of MomsRising: “The executive order the Biden/Harris administration issued today is bold, transformative, and badly needed. At a time when millions of families cannot access or afford the child care, elder care, and/or disability care we need, these measures will support moms, family caregivers, care workers, businesses, communities, and our economy. This Executive Order puts the full weight of our federal government behind solutions to some of the most debilitating problems of our time. It will help address the child care crisis that has driven so many moms out of the workforce. […] Care makes all work possible and holds up our economy. We applaud the Biden/Harris administration actions today. […]” [Statement, 4/18/23] 

MomsRising: “Today @POTUS will sign an unprecedented set of actions to make child, aging and disability care more affordable and accessible for families and to support care workers! This is in no small part due to the powerful, persistent work of our 1M+ moms and our coalition. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Ai-jen Poo, President of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and Jenn Stowe, Executive Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance: “This is a tremendous milestone for families and workers across the country. This unprecedented slate of executive actions represents the most comprehensive set of actions any president has ever taken to improve the care infrastructure and support families and care workers. We applaud the Biden-Harris Administration’s historic commitment to addressing the growing demand for affordable, high-quality care services for our loved ones, while ensuring care workers are afforded the protections, wages, and dignity they deserve on the job […] The magnitude of these investments cannot be overstated – the Administration is leading us to the once-in-a-generation investments needed to improve the lives of millions, and toward building a more equitable and sustainable care infrastructure in this country[…].” [Statement, 4/18/23] 

Jenn Stowe, Executive Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance: “This moment would not have happened without the leadership of domestic workers, who have fought for years for this kind of transformative action in a better care future for all of us. A monumental day!” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

National Domestic Workers Alliance: “We all know care jobs should be good jobs, and care should be accessible and affordable for families. Today @POTUS and @VP are making history for care.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

National Domestic Workers Alliance: “@POTUS heard us. This Executive Order is going to change the lives of so many people who will now be able to go to work knowing their families are taken care of. Care workers have deserved this and we can’t wait to celebrate with President Biden later today!” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Hillary Holley, Executive Director of Care in Action: “In 2022, voters made it clear that addressing the inequalities and hardships around the economy was what they wanted from our elected leaders, and today, the Biden-Harris Administration did just that. This morning, the White House took yet another historic step toward strengthening our care economy and ensuring millions of Americans can meet the growing demand for care for their families and loved ones. President Biden’s Executive Order will expand affordable care services for families – including home-based care, child care, and long-term care –  and ensure care workers and domestic workers – who are disproportionately Black, Latinx, AAPI, Indigenous, and immigrant women – have access to quality jobs that afford them the respect and the pay needed to care for themselves and their families. […] We applaud the Biden Administration for centering care as a pillar in our society and economy, and for hearing voters when we say, ‘This is what we need.’ This executive order demonstrates the type of leadership voters will turn out for in 2024. We were promised generational change in the infrastructure that supports us all, and we’re ready to ‘finish the job.’ We can get this done.” [Statement, 4/18/23] 

Hillary Holley, Executive Director, Care in Action: “BIG NEWS: In 2022, voters made it clear that addressing the inequalities and hardships around the economy was what they wanted from our elected leaders, and today @POTUS and @VP did just that.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Ai-jen Poo, Executive Director of Caring Across Generations: “Today’s executive order is the largest set of executive actions for care in history and embodies the transformative policy shift millions have been demanding for years […]The Biden Administration is doing everything within their executive power to improve the care economy in this country because they have heard our calls and seen the growing power of the care movement across the country. The collective solutions are all here to ensure care is both valued and visible. Let’s be clear: Investing in care benefits everyone. It is an economic, practical, and moral imperative. Our work is far from over, and I look forward to continuing to work with the Biden Administration on investments for a strong care infrastructure that will meet the needs of 21st century families.” [Statement, 4/18/23] 

Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Advocacy and Campaigns, Caring Across Generations: “Excited to be @WhiteHouse with Aging, Care, Disability, Labor and Biden Administration allies to celebrate the signing of the Executive Order that will boost and bolster the #CareEconomy This is a historic and unprecedented action to recognize that in this country #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Caring Across Generations: “BREAKING: @POTUS just announced an unprecedented executive order that’s the largest set of actions on care in history. These actions will affect tens of millions of people and create a roadmap for change to the way our families and communities are cared for.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Social Security Works: “Today, @POTUS is signing an executive order to expand access to long-term care, including home care. This is a historic first step towards providing seniors and people with disabilities the care needed to live in dignity.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Reshma Saujani, CEO & Founder, Moms First: “America’s child care crisis is a threat to women’s workforce participation, the competitiveness of our businesses and our economic growth. Thank you @POTUS for announcing the most comprehensive set of actions ever taken on care and enabling moms to thrive.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]  

Moms First: “It’s good that the President is taking this crisis seriously. The situation for parents and care workers is dire — we need everyone in a position of power to act. Thank you, @POTUS. Congress, it’s your turn next.” [Tweet, 4/18/23]  

Julie Kashen, Director of Women’s Economic Justice at The Century Foundation: “President Biden’s Executive Order today on care is historic: it uses every tool in the administrative toolbox to make high-quality care more affordable and accessible, as well as support care workers and family caregivers. The action underscores the administration’s deep commitment to building a care infrastructure that has never existed in the United States, but which families of all backgrounds desperately need. The Biden-Harris administration knows all too well the limitations of what can be achieved through executive action in the absence of Congress approving significant new public investments in care, yet the administration nevertheless worked tirelessly and developed outside-the-box solutions that will make a meaningful difference for families and care providers. Now, it’s up to members of Congress to take the same bold, creative approach to build a domestic care economy that truly values care and caregivers.” [Statement, 4/18/23] 

Julie Kashen, Director of Women’s Economic Justice and Senior Fellow, the Century Foundation: “Woke up celebrating what a great day it is for people who care about care… (that should really be everybody!) 1/” [Tweet Thread, 4/18/23] 

The Century Foundation: “President Biden plans to sign an executive order today directing federal agencies to find ways to make child care cheaper and more accessible, and to improve wages and working conditions for care workers. Thank you @POTUS for insisting that #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Vicki Shabo, Senior Fellow at New America: “Huge! @POTUS @VP #CareEconomy Executive Order is profound official government recognition of the central role of #care in our lives, in our country. It’s a testament to the value of people who do care work every day & the people who need it.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Vicki Shabo, Senior fellow, New America: “The symbolism of this #CareEconomy Executive Order on the same day as #TaxDay is pretty spectacular too. We need to invest more where it matters — our people, care policies — and need tax fairness to do it.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Building Back Together: “‘As soon as I got into office, I signed the American Rescue Plan to help millions of families afford child care.” — @POTUS The Executive Order he signed today includes 50+ directives to build on this progress, improve care for hard-working families, and support care workers!” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

CAP Action: “TODAY: Biden is about to sign an executive order to help families find affordable childcare, senior care, and home care. At the same time, it will help raise wages for care workers.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Care is Essential: “!! BREAKING: @SEIU Care workers joined @POTUS to celebrate today’s HISTORIC moment to improve care jobs and to make care more affordable and accessible to all families! #UnionsForAll #CareIsEssential” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Center for Community Change: “Care providers, families and organizers have worked so hard for years for care work to be recognized and prioritized. It’s past time that we have a system of care than can keep care workers in the jobs they love and make care accessible for every family. #CareWorkersCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Children’s Defense Fund: “This just in! Biden’s historic executive order on care today will: Make childcare and aging and disability care more affordable; Make it easier for caregivers to access federal programs; Improve access to care for veterans; Ensure care jobs are good jobs #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Children’s Defense Fund: “Care justice is racial justice. Today begins the work of making care more valued and visible for all, including the Black women and women of color who represent the majority of today’s care workforce. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Center for Law and Social Policy: “Today the Biden Administration announced a comprehensive set of executive actions to make high-quality, affordable child care and long-term care more accessible to families – including by boosting job quality for care workers and early educators” [Statement, 4/18/23]    

Center for Law and Social Policy: “Today @POTUS announced a comprehensive set of executive actions to make high-quality, affordable child care and long-term care more accessible to families – including by boosting job quality for care workers and early educators. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

The Families and Workers Fund: “We are excited to celebrate the Executive Order on improving the care economy w/ our grantee partner @domesticworkers + the community of leaders working to make care jobs #goodjobs” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Ford Foundation: “Care connects all of us, and care work makes all other work possible. Today’s historic announcement expands access to care for countless families, and would not be possible without the leadership of care workers fighting to redefine how America cares. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Little Lobbyists: “From the White House – a fact sheet on the historic executive order @POTUS will sign today to improve care for our families and support for caregivers <3 Thank you, President Biden, for understanding that #CareCantWait and taking action today!” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

New America: “Today’s historic executive order on #care will expand access to affordable, high-quality care, and provide support for care workers and family caregivers. #CareCantWait” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Occupy Democrats: “BREAKING: President Biden will sign a historic executive order to boost the ‘care economy’ by expanding access to child care for families and long-term care for Americans working on federal projects and requiring that applicants seeking federal job-creating funds expand healthcare access for their workers. RT TO THANK JOE BIDEN!” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Progress America: “Today, @POTUS is taking executive action to make childcare and home-based care more affordable for millions. What are Republicans doing? Fighting over which program for working families to cut.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Somos Votantes: “Low-cost childcare and good jobs are two of the issues that matter most to hardworking Latino voters. Today’s Executive Order, which promotes these tools and more, shows that when our comunidad uses our voice, our elected officials LISTEN.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Ady Barkan, Executive Director, Be A Hero: “Thank you for all your leadership and vision! This executive order is in direct response to all our advocacy and organizing to build the care infrastructure we need. Biden’s support for caregivers & their families via this EO is a huge step forward.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Elena Hung, Co-Chair, Health Care Voter: “As a family caregiver, I know firsthand the joys and challenges of caring for a loved one. Thrilled to join @POTUS at the @WhiteHouse today to see him sign this historic Executive Order. #CareCantWait #BFD” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Jocelyn Frye, President, National Partnership for Women & Families: “This morning the Biden administration announced over 50 directives in an executive order aimed to improve the care economy. These actions reflect the importance of centering care in our economy.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Majid Padellan, Senior Advisor, Really American: “HUGE NEWS: President Biden just signed a MAJOR executive order on child care, improving the lives of Americans by lowering child care costs. It will also improve access to home care for Veterans, and improve job quality and benefits for long-term care workers. That’s the stuff that MATTERS. Thank you, President Biden!” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Mayra Macías, Interim Executive Director, Building Back Together: “As the daughter of a home care worker (proud @SEIU member), this gives me so much hope of what is possible when government leaders & advocates work together. Thank you Biden-Harris Administration for centering families, workers & access.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Peter Morley, Co-Founder, Health Care Monthly: “JUST ANNOUNCED: President Biden will sign the MOST comprehensive Executive Order EVER including 50+ directives to nearly every cabinet-level agency to expand access to affordable, high-quality care, & provide support for care workers & family caregivers.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Patrick Gaspard, President & CEO, Center for American Progress: “From child care workers to home health aides to family caregivers, care workers allow parents to work, disabled people to live independently, and aging Americans to remain in the comfort of their own communities. But despite the essential role they play in society and the economy, care workers have long been taken for granted. Care workers, who are overwhelmingly women and disproportionately women of color, receive substandard pay and little respect. President Biden’s executive actions are an important step toward reflecting the value of care workers for communities across the country and will help expand access to high-quality child care, reduce costs for struggling families, and partner with apprenticeship programs, unions, and employers to help care workers advance their careers, while also protecting the rights of both caregivers and people receiving care. Biden’s actions today will be a leap toward dignity for all.” [Statement, 4/18/23]   

Vicki Shabo, Senior Fellow, New America: “Huge! @POTUS @VP #CareEconomy Executive Order is profound official government recognition of the central role of #care in our lives, in our country. It’s a testament to the value of people who do care work every day & the people who need it.” [Tweet, 4/18/23] 

Charles Brown, National President Paralyzed Veterans of America: “PVA commends President Biden for signing today’s Executive Order capitalizing on the importance of America’s care economy – the hardworking, underpaid, overlooked, in-demand, and often hard-to-find individuals who provide vital care services to populations unable to independently support themselves, from disabled veterans and the elderly to infants. This directive recognizes the dire importance of care workers, while taking an ALL-government approach with support from agencies – like the Department of Veterans Affairs, among others – to improve access to home-based care for Veterans, enhance job quality for long-term care workers, and support family caregivers. […]” [Statement, 4/18/23]



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